Saturday, January 4, 2014

Still in St. Augustine in the cold and WIND!

BULLETIN:  I got hacked today - if you get an email from me with a link do not open it. 

This ship, nao Victoria, is here for tours from Spain.  On a nicer day . . .  the exact replica of Magellan's ship, Victoria,  that sailed around the world in 1519 from Spain.  Portugal's king would not supply his needs.  He began with 5 ships. 18 men and one ship returned with riches without Magellan who died in the Philippines.  Pretty amazing to see how little they sailed with, and the mostly girls who crew it today with a female captain. : )  Another Spanish ship is coming on Monday.  There is also two pirate ships here that go out on the weekends for all kinds of fun.  Fun harbor.

 Crows nest
Pirate from the Black Raven

The wind has been blowing 20 to 25 for 2 days. We have used the launch rather than the dinghy.  We'll go in and do something tonight.

  This city might be called the city of churches, though that probably wouldn't draw a lot of tourists.  There is an amazing cathedral on the site of the original catholic church from 1565.  This picture is of the Memorial Presbyterian church. (It was closed to tour.) They are all beautiful,  well kept and frequently have schools attached.  Every religion seems to have a beautiful building.

 The city of lights.  Having dinner outside the first night back when it was warm.  Now it's windchill of 32.  They turn off all the Christmas lights at the end of this weekend.

Half tide.  You cane sand another 30 feet at low tide.
Very high tide with a north wind storm and moon in the right phase.

We are still doing daily maintenance.  Today - replacing the water filters for the water maker.


Sara S said...

Interesting stuff! thanks for posting those pictures. The church is incredibly ornate--I had no idea such buildings were created on these shores.

Stay warm!

Anna Leijon-Guth said...

Thanks for all the pictures, so fun with the replica ship and that it has a female captain!! Keep the pictures and the stories coming:) We love reading about your adventures as we thaw out from one deep freeze and gets ready for another! I must say spending a night in a Yurt when it was -25 F outside was a fun experience:)