Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year

We're back St. Augustine, FL. Spent New Years on the boat rather than the cold rainy beach.  watched the ball drop via computer live stream and saw a picture of people lining up in Times Square at 11 am from my son's office window at new job at Met Life.
  MAINTENANCE:  We took down the KISS wind generator today and sent it off UPS to be repaired in Tampa.  A wind generator produces electrical energy to charge the batteries like the solar panels do - free.  I have to sit up on top of the davits to ease it down, take it apart, put it in the bag.   (Would have been a good picture)'Kuivato, another Portsmouth boat sailing south- blog suggested that we check zincs since we've been in the water for 6 months.  Zincs protect anything metal in the salt water that corrodes by electrical reaction.  We have zincs on the prop, the shaft, the bow thrusters and the dinghy motor though that is not in the water as long.  We might try to check the  corrosion on the zincs with Drew's new waterproof endoscope he got for Christmas from Santa.  It just plugs into the computer and is a webcam for anywhere it goes - down pipes, in the water tank, wherever.  Get one on Amazon.  If it works it would be easier than hiring a diver --then again if they need to be replaced we need to either haul out or hire a diver.  Other items to address -- I also need to wash the water line and transom from engine and water line dirt.
  It was 65 today and rained almost all day except when we got the wind  generator down. The temperature is suppose to go way down tonight -- 35 tomorrow.  Wind is kicking up too.  Better than the blizzard in Exeter, NH with temperature at 7.   Sorry to miss our annual x country ski weekend with friends this year -- should be great skiing.

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