Tuesday, January 21, 2014

In Miami flyboarding

Since we've discovered we have to replace our holding tank Drew has been researching, contacting Island Packet and fellow boaters, visiting a boatyard, trying to decide who and where we should have the work done.  I have been watching, reading, helping, walking the dog, googling mooring sites, working.
  Look at this new sport called flyboarding. These two were doing this near our boat for the afternoon.  For a mere $6,000 you can do this too.

We are anchored near  a canal where we dinghy in for groceries, entertainment, walking Mazu day and night.
 Also a picture of government cut on a nice day overlooking the Miami skyline.

 Miami Beach, 2 acres of Botanical Gardens open to everyone free.

1 comment:

Anna Leijon-Guth said...

Wow, that flyboarding looks like a crazy sport... I am sorry to hear about your holding tank, yikes... the never ending story that there is always something to repair, and fix on a boat:) Miami sounds lovely and what a treat to be able to walk in the botanical garden everyday! Pleasant temperatures and you are at least avoiding another round of arctic temperatures here in NH, brrrr 5 degrees this morning!