Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Today we picked up the repaired foot.  The pieces were welded together by Apple Machine Shop in Fort Pierce overnight for $53.  A weld is actually stronger than a straight piece of metal.  We picked it up, and the paint was still a little tacky so we hung it up to dry for a while.  It's been a week since Drew discovered the broken foot, and it's now repaired.

Tomorrow begins loosening engine mount bolts to replace all 4 engine mounts that are coming by Friday from Mavex in Miami.  It's been 10 years since we replaced them.  Those cost a little more.

 We pretty much must leave by April 20th to get back to Marblehead in time for a nephew's wedding in May.  We are watching the weather as well.  Here's yesterday's front that dropped the temperature 15 degrees in 10 minutes and blew through with a rain storm, the kind that shows up yellow and red on the weather app map.  Florida is the lightening capital of the country or maybe the world.

On the way back from picking up the foot we stopped at Peacock Corner in Fort Pierce where a group of peacocks live.  It's the season for display.

Here's my plant in the coconut swinging in the breeze under the bimini.  Love that this violet flower comes out of the coral bromeliad.

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