Friday, October 23, 2015

Alligator River Marina to Belhaven anchorage

Started at sunrise 7:15, actually earlier walking/running Mazu.  You can see the mirror smooth water.

So calm it's breathtaking.  The tree lined horizon is the center of the reflection of sky to sea.

I can skate across this sea, flat and smooth as ice.  Glossy, glassy, still as stone and smooth as glass.  Touching it makes a light ripple slide across.  There are 5 sailboats ahead of us going about 6.2 knots but far enough ahead that the ripples have smoothed out like smoothing a blanket free of folds.  I don't think I've seen such a broad expanse so calm, the Alligator River canal connected to the Pungo River, so still.  Motoring weather for sure.

Tonight we lie in the Belhaven anchorage at G 11, i.e. a green marker with an 11 on it with 9.5 feet of water under us between two 3' shoals.  We'll dinghy in to give Mazu a run and then dinner.
We were looking out the window while we ate at The Tavern at Jack's Neck in Belhaven.
Just read  Light in the Forest and Euphoria, and now Bryson's  A Walk in the Woods laugh-out-loud funny. I have to read parts aloud to Drew.

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