Wednesday, June 17, 2015

NH, MA, NY, Niagara on the Lake Canada, new dinghy, MI, IN, IL, IA

We've covered quite a bit of ground.  The idea was to take pictures of each sign that welcomes us to the state,

 but that didn't work out when Drew wasn't quite ready with the camera for the next 6 states.  Then I wanted a memento from each place and thought of magnets, but no one is selling those at Niagara Falls.  So it's pictures and this blog.
  We stayed the first night at my sister, Vicky's and husband Donal's in Loudonville (near Albany NY) where it was great to see my nieces Meghan and Lee and her husband Doug and grand nieces: Fiona and Kiara.  It was my sister's birthday so we sang and gave gifts.  As we arrived there was a 405 lightening strike storm in the area - rather dramatic.  Drew kept going outside to watch the weather.

We awoke to a spectacular beautiful morning. After a leisurely breakfast we left for Niagara Falls - a wonder of the world.  Driving along Route 90 NY Thruway, the scenic highway along the Mohawk River and Erie Canal from about 1820 we stopped for a picnic.

Whenever Drew is driving we get great mileage 33.3 MPG with cruise control in my Subaru Crosstrek, the highest car off the ground (not SUV) available.
We crossed the Niagara River and Canadian border with no problem.  They ask 3 questions.  You show your ID/passports and drive through.  Immediately we parked near the falls and took pictures.
and videos:

Double rainbow - Canadian Falls, Everyone on the boat has blue rain gear.

Mom, always trying to go where we aren't supposed to.  "We can go here.  We'll be okay."

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