Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Can you see spring in Florida?  I started to.  Here are a few photos and evidence that yes indeed, among the flora and mating manatees (yesterday's video) that are slugs other times of year ("I've never seen them move like that!") there is indeed spring coming here.
I noticed the palm trees, coconut, cabbage, fan, fox tail, royal, all have spikes coming out of the tops straight up into the air; a future frond.  I don't believe this happens year round but not really sure.  You sunny clime readers can set me straight.  The pictures explain the progression as they unfold like an accordion until every part is separated into the fronds we know.

Next step the new green at the top is sort of unfurling on one side.
Here's another type unfurling.  Each attached green line will separate into an individual part:
The Florida state tree, Cabbage Palm with the cross hatched frond stems left on the trunk as it grows:
Cabbage Palm
Below are other views of new bright green growth coming up among the old brown.  The falling leaves are happening now as they get knocked off by the new ones.  No wet snow to help them decompose as in the north.  I guess the degradation of the hot sun UV rays and insects carry the debris away.

Morning glories peeking out of the growth.  There's so much growing everywhere, but the spring has it's say.  Bougainvillea is around at all seasons it seems.
My view from the open porch-like tiki hut where I stretch/exercise.

End of the day where I get Drew off the boat from a day on computer and phone.  We're enjoying Monty's happy hour.  He's selecting fresh oysters at $1 each while I order half price drinks.  We may even go sailing one day.

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