Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013  Southport Marina
Last night was fun at Fishy Fishy where we had dinner with our new friends, Cathy and Mike Moorehead who are sailing south.  We keep stopping at the same marinas and having a good time together.  Last night there was a band for dancing and good food.

The restaurant provides blankets for people who have to wait outside for a table to free up.

Drew is replacing the water maker pump today and deciding the options for how to proceed.  He has really relaxed on the boat and we've had a super time.  The schedule is relaxed with no plans and no destination but south.  We have to decide when to leave, who should do the repairs, how long to rent space for our boat to stay here at the marina.  It costs $245 each to fly roundtrip and about $800 to rent the car and drive one way to New England.  Maybe we'll reconsider crating Mazu on the plane in the cargo hold.  She'd have to take a tranquillizer, and I think that the experience would be very traumatic - not sure how she'd fair.  
  Since Violet, #1 granddaughter's birthday is next Sunday that is pretty much a priority for us to attend in Brooklyn.  So we'll be there one way or another.

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